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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools


Douglas W. Potter

Bitset makes plots on popular dot-matrix and HP LaserJet and DeskJetprinters. The available resolution on these printers is surprisinglyhigh -- for Epson, it is 120 x 216 dots per inch; for Mannesmann-Talley,it is 133 x 128 dots per inch. This is higher than most screens andcomparable to more expensive plotting devices. Versions of Bitset arecurrently available for Epson, Mannesmann-Talley, Okidata, Hewlett-Packard (DeskJet, LaserJet, and ThinkJet), IDS, C. Itoh, and Toshibaprinters.All versions have a built-in character set. The resolution can beselected from among all those available on each printer. The source andobject of the appropriate lpr filters are supplied.UNIX Graphics Interface versions accept plot commands in the formatdescribed by plot (5) in the UNIX Programmer's Manual, with extensions tospecify character height and angle. The plot area can be any length.Tektronix versions accept plot commands for either 4010 or 4014 Tektronixscopes. The plotted points either map directly to the printer dots orscale as requested. Sun raster file pixrect versions accept codesproduced by the screendump command and enable screen dumps directly froma SPARC-compatible monitor.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Printer
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Douglas W. Potter
336 NW 50th St
Seattle, WA 98107
Phone: (206) 782-2058